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GBdirect Ltd
Leeds Innovation Centre
103 Clarendon Road
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


tel: +44 (0)870 200 7273
Sales: 0800 651 0338

South East Regional Office

GBdirect Ltd
18 Lynn Rd
United Kingdom


tel: +44 (0)870 200 7273
Sales: 0800 651 0338

Please note: Initial enquiries should always be directed to our UK national office in Leeds (West Yorkshire), even if the enquiry concerns services delivered in London or South/East England. Clients in London and the South East will typically be handled by staff working in the London or Cambridge areas.

6.9. Exercises

Exercise 6.1. What is the declaration of an untagged structure containing two ints called a and b?

Exercise 6.2. Why is such a declaration of limited use?

Exercise 6.3. What would the structure look like with a tag of int_struc and two variables called x and y of the structure type being defined?

Exercise 6.4. How would you declare a third variable later, with the the same type as x and y but called z?

Exercise 6.5. Assuming that p is the right type of pointer, how would you make it point to z and then set z.a to zero, using the pointer?

Exercise 6.6. What are the two ways of declaring a structure with incomplete type?

Exercise 6.7. What is unusual about a string "like this" when it's used to initialize a character array?

Exercise 6.8. What if it initializes a char *?

Exercise 6.9. Find out what a doubly linked list is. Reimplement the linked list example using one. Is it any easier to insert and delete elements in a doubly linked list?