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6. The Typical Work Cycle (Revisited)

The tutorial above contained "starter" examples of lots of things you might want to do. However, it is more than you need to know most of the time, once a project has been created and placed under CVS control. Let us review the two work cycles outlined at the very beginning, this time with commands.

6.1 Personal Project

Since this is a personal project, CVSROOT is already set and it is not necessary to use "cvs -d cvsroot". Instead we just use "cvs".

rgb@ganesh|B:1080>cd cvs_mini_howto/
rgb@ganesh|B:1081>jove cvs_mini_howto.sgml 
rgb@ganesh|B:1082>cvs update -d .
cvs update: Updating .
? cvs_mini_howto-1.html
? cvs_mini_howto-2.html
? cvs_mini_howto-3.html
? cvs_mini_howto-4.html
? cvs_mini_howto-5.html
? cvs_mini_howto-6.html
? cvs_mini_howto.html
? index.html
rgb@ganesh|B:1083>cvs commit .
cvs commit: Examining .
Checking in cvs_mini_howto.sgml;
<--  cvs_mini_howto.sgml
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
Remember, I had to enter and log a description of the changes made to cvs_mini_howto.sgml when I exited the editing of this file and committed the changes.

The ? lines on the update are files CVS has discovered in the working directory that are not checked in. These may be sources that need to be checked in, or they may be derived files (as they are in this case -- built from the sgml2html command), or they may just be any of the various junk files that you've put in the directory temporarily that aren't worth adding to the repository.

6.2 Group (Shared) Project

This cycle is identical, really, except that the update is not optional and should almost certainly include a "cvs -d projectroot update -d ." command where projectroot is the full path of the project CVS root directory, as in the examples above.

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