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Twisted Shadows

Twisted shadows
climb the mountains;
standing silent
in the blackness
gloomy fountains gather waters:
Deep within
there lies the madness.

In the darkness
flicker candles;
faintly glowing
between branches
mock they there the stellar grotto:
Starry sky
is only knowing.

Stand within
the dim-lit timeless;
in the valley
in the night
bless the wind-swept stars above you:
For the coldness
love the light.

Sit on stones;
a sparkling streamside
flows beneath
the moonstruck shades
lie lonely on you, blade of softness:
Dream of healing
soul ensheath.

Think of sun
and gold green meadows;
drink the wine
of summer sadness:
Darkling visions, silent singing
warns of winter
bringing shadows.

Thunder growls
and lightning flashes
echo bright;
from crags black-shrouded
strobing time to measure distance
thought in motion proves existence:
Life is light.

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Robert G. Brown 2007-03-21